DIY: How to Make a Garden Toad Abode

Have a broken clay pot or two laying around? Don’t toss them out! Recycle them into a Garden Toad Abode!

Toads eat pesky garden insects and slugs – over 10,000 of them in one season – and they’re fun to watch. Creating a toad abode is not only good for your garden, it’s also a fun activity to do with your children or grandchildren, and is a great way to get them interested in gardening.

Here’s how you can attract more toads to your garden by building them their own abode.

What You Will Need:

  • Clay Pot (broken clay pots work really well)
  • Moss or leaves from your garden
  • A moist area of your garden

What You Do:

  1. Place a clay pot on its side, or upside down, nestled into a shady, moist area of your garden. Make sure this is an area that will receive water. If you have a broken clay pot, place the larger pieces to form a “roof” and use the ground of your garden as your toad abode floor.
    TIP: Make sure you have an opening that is at least 3-inches wide by 3-inches tall so a toad can easily fit into the opening. 
  2. Place soft moss or leaves around, under, and slightly in the pot to create a soft retreat for your garden friends.
  3. Check your toad shelter regularly to see if you have any visitors!

One Step Further:

  • Place a terra cotta saucer near your toad shelter for extra water for your toad visitors.
  • If the toads are having a hard time finding your toad house, place a flashlight (or other small outdoor light) on top the toad house in the evening. The light will attract the bugs, which will attract the toads. You can remove the light once a toad has taken up residence.
    TIP: It’s best not to relocate a toad to the new toad house, as they’ll just return to their already established area. Instead, let the toads find their new house on their own. Once they do, chances are they’ll return to that same area every year. 
  • Make a toad house for your gardener friends – they’ll appreciate the thought!
  • If you’d like a fancier toad house, you can embellish the clay pot by hot gluing small stones and twigs to the pot – be creative!

Pre-Made Ideas for Inspiration:

Here are a few fun items that were handmade by shop owners on Etsy. Click the image for more information, or to purchase.

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3 Comments on “DIY: How to Make a Garden Toad Abode”

  1. Love this idea. Read it at just the right time. Grandkids have found a toad!

    1. Yay! I hope your Grandkids have fun with their toad – and hope they get to see it eat a bunch of garden bugs. 🙂

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