Sneaky Snake, The Tavern, and Grandma’s Jukebox

A week ago, I was talking with one of my brothers about our Grandma’s tavern – The Lone Pine. Grandma was a very remarkable woman, and I owe so much to her and her entrepreneurial spirit. My Grandma had eight children – eight! Two boys and six girls. Oh good Lord. Six girls. I have three boys and cannot even imagine my life as a Mom of girls! My Grandpa left my Grandma when I was very young. She lived on a farm with all her kids and was on her own after Grandpa left. Across the street from the farm house was an old school house. Grandma saw an opportunity and bought the old schoolhouse and turned it into the most popular tavern in the countryside where she lived. She named the tavern The Lone Pine – after the old gigantic pine tree on the farmstead.

Throughout my childhood, we spent many (if not most) weekends at Grandma’s place in Wisconsin. Dad and Mom got off work on Friday and packed us kids in the car, and off we would go to visit Grandma. We’d arrive on a Friday night when it was fish fry at the tavern. We had our special table in the dining area and enjoyed Grandma’s cooking. Mom always had scallops and shrimp, Dad always had the fish, and us kids loved all of it.

As I got older, during my visits to Grandma’s, I was able to help her at the tavern. I loved washing the glasses at the bar. I’d take a glass, push it upside down on top of a brush that was submerged in hot soapy water, and it would spin to clean the glass. That cool contraption was so awesome! High tech for back then! I also helped out in the kitchen. Grandma had an old meat grinder, and I would grind gizzards and onions for the Most Awesome Stuffing ever made for Sunday chicken dinner night. The onions made me cry, but I loved every minute of working in the kitchen at the tavern with my Grandma.

After helping Grandma at the tavern, she always let me pick a 45-record out of the jukebox. What a special treat that was! I have hundreds of 45-records and many of them were from her jukebox… and I still have them.

Since Grandma’s tavern was in the country, you can imagine that most of the music in the jukebox was country music – my least favorite music ever! BUT… I always managed to find songs I enjoyed.

One of the records from Grandma’s jukebox that still makes me smile is a song called “Sneaky Snake”. Oh my goodness. My cousins and I sang that song over, and over, and over, and over. I also remember my uncles singing that song when it came on the jukebox – they were so much fun! Every once in a while when I’m working in my gardens, that song comes to mind. I can’t help but smile as I start singing it.

Last Friday, I mentioned the song to my brother, and we both broke out singing. Those shared memories are priceless!

So tonight, I share with you the “Sneaky Snake” song. I hope you’ll humor me and sing along…. And just for fun, I encourage you to share this song with your kids or grandchildren. Just think of the memories you’ll share…



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