3 Things I Spotted This Week – #19

Since my job is an online store and mentoring ecommerce business owners, I spend a LOT of time online each day. While most of that time is spent working, I do occasionally stumble across websites, articles, and cool things that I really like. I save these things to a Pinterest board, so someday when I have some free time, I can go back to that board and enjoy the things I found.

Here are three random things (in no particular order) that I am really loving this week. Maybe you’ll find them interesting, too!

#1 – Tear Bottle

When I was pregnant with our first child, my Mom gave me a Tear Bottle as a gift. She told me that I would cry tears of joy when our son was born, and a tear bottle would serve as a reminder of those sweet tears. She also told me there would be other tears, as well, during challenging times that every parent goes through as their children grow up. This tear bottle has always been on display in our house and I think of my Mom every time I look at it. It really means a lot to me and lots of memories flood back to me each time I see the tear bottle.

Tear Bottles have been around for a long time and are even part of history since before Christ. Historians have found evidence of tear bottles in ancient Rome and Egypt. Legend has it that our ancestors used the small glass vessels to collect their tears, as a means for mourning, joy, and respect.

This past week, I was searching for colored mini bottles for a customer of mine, and I spotted this tear bottle. It’s identical to the one my Mom gave me years ago. I’m happy to see these bottles are still available, and had to share this find with you.


#2 – Big Eyed Art

Oh, this find just makes me smile from ear-to-ear!

I had a framed set of these Big Eye art prints back when I was a little girl. Mom hung them in my bedroom and I loved looking at them. I especially loved the artist with her cat and I wanted to be just like her.

I was searching for pop art apps this week, and for some reason, this image appeared in the search results. It made me smile.

I don’t know whatever happened to those framed prints – Mom probably saved them in the attic (she says, wishfully thinking). Maybe soon I’ll check out the attic to see if they are there. In the meantime, I still have my Big Eye lamp (click the link to see it on Instagram)!


#3 – A Most Unusual Plant

If you know me personally, you know that I am always on the look-out for unique and unusual plants. Both as house plants and as plants to add to one of my many outdoor gardens and patios. I found a really cool plant this past week – it’s the Medinilla Magnifica. And it truly is magnificent!

I love the draping flowers and the bold leaves of this plant. The plant grows to heights of 2- to 3-feet. I think this would look amazing in a bright and sunny entryway. While I much prefer white or creamy colored flowers, I could definitely make an exception for this beauty!



How about you? Did you spot something online this week that you love? Share in a comment below!

You can find links to all three things on Pinterest at Things I Like and you can find some of these things in my Amazon Marketplace Storefront.




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