The Long Minnesota Goodbye (It’s a “Thing”)

Yes. There IS such a thing as a “Minnesota Goodbye”.

Pretty much everyone in Minnesota does it.

For Minnesotan’s, it’s a normal thing. For out-of-town guests, well… they might get frustrated as they probably don’t understand the custom. Or maybe because they just want to leave already!

What Exactly Is The Minnesota Goodbye?

You have had a houseful of guests, and everyone has had a great time visiting.

It’s getting late and people have to work in the morning. It’s time to say your “goodbyes”.

Everyone gets up, and starts heading toward the door, starting a new conversation or continuing one from an hour ago.

You escort your guests to the door, and they get their coats and shoes on – all the while you’re still maintaining a conversation with them. Usually, about how much you like their choice of winter footwear, or the color of their parka, scarf, or mittens.

Your guests are dressed to leave, but you thought of one more thing to say and the conversation continues.

Then the topic takes a turn and Oh! That reminds you of something else you meant to talk about, so you and your guests stand at the door and continue the conversation.

This goes on and on and on and on and on and on. Pretty soon, an hour has passed and your guests are still standing at the door in their coats, their vehicle is still running in your driveway, and the conversation continues.

Your guests make it out the door. You follow. Now you stand on the front steps and tell them to “drive safe”. This becomes another conversation about the weather and road conditions.

Your guests make it to their vehicle and get inside. Of course they roll their windows down because now you’re standing next to their car, finishing your goodbyes.

After another 15 minutes or more, your guests back down your driveway, and it’s time for the final wave or flashing of lights. We call this the “final goodbye”.

Your guests wave back, flash their lights and you continue to wave until they are out of sight before you head back inside.

THAT is a long Minnesota Goodbye.

If you’re from Minnesota, or you have visited someone from Minnesota, you’re SURE to have been involved in the Minnesota Goodbye. It’s a real thing. And us Minnesotans acknowledge the fact that we just can’t say a short goodbye. It’s just not in our Minnesota genes!

Why Does It Take So Long?

So, why does it take Minnesotan’s so long to say goodbye?

That’s a good question!

Maybe it’s that “Minnesota Nice” that we’re known for, and people just wanting to continue to be a good host or hostess.

Maybe it’s because it’s darn cold here in Minnesota, and a long goodbye gives our guests time to start their vehicles so the heater warms up the car before they leave.

Or… maybe it’s just because we love having friends and family visit, and it’s always sad to see them go… and deep down, we hate to say Goodbye!


What’s the longest you’ve been involved in a Minnesota Goodbye? Share your experience in a comment below!

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